Agencies, Officers, Employees – Article 11. Other Personnel

Section 1-51. Open Personnel May Be Appointed, Etc.

The Board of Trustees may appoint such other officers and employees as it deems desirable, to work in the water system, and on the streets, and to perform other appropriate duties and functions, and may determine their compensation by motion or resolution; and my demote, suspend, lay off, or remove all such personnel at pleasure.

Section 1-52. Administrative Officer.

The Board of Trustees may appoint an Administrative Officer for the Town who shall have those administrative duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees. The administrative Officer shall be the administrative head of the Town and shall be responsible for the daily activity of the Town, all as directed by the Board of Trustees. The Administrative Officer may be another employee or officer of the Town of Tryon except no member of the Board of Trustees may be appointed as Administrative Officer. The salary for the Administrative Officer shall be set by the Board of Trustees.

Section 1-53. Reports.

All Department heads of the Town of Tryon shall submit to the Board of Trustees a written report of all activities of their department each month. The report shall be due on the 5″ day of each month, and shall report fully the activities of their department for the previous month.

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