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Town Finance and Business – Article 04. Budget

Section 6-6. Municipal Budget. Adoption Filing.

  1. The Board of Trustees shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the beginning of the budget year. Notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing, together with the proposed budget summary, shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Tryon not less than five (5) days before the date of the hearing The Town Clerk shall make available a sufficient number of copies of the proposed budget as the Board of Trustees shall determine and have them available for review or for distribution or sale at the office of the Town Clerk. At the public hearing on the budget any person may present to the Board of Trustees comments, recommendations or information on any part of the proposed budget.
  2. After hearing at least seven (7) days prior to the beginning of the budget year, the Board of Trustees shall adopt the budget by resolution. The Board of Trustees may add or increase items or delete or decrease items in the budget. In all cases, the proposed expenditures shall not exceed the estimated revenues for any fund.
  3. The adopted budget shall be transmitted to the State Auditor and Inspector and one copy shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Clerk. A copy of the Town of Tryon’s sinking fund requirements shall be filed with the Excise Board of Lincoln County.
  4. The adopted budget shall be in effect on and after the first day of the fiscal year to which it applies. The budget, as adopted and filed with the State Auditor and Inspector, shall constitute an appropriation for each fund, and the appropriation thus made shall not be used for any other purpose except as provided by law.
  5. At the time required by law, the county excise board shall levy the taxes necessary for the Town of Tryon’s sinking fund for the budget year pursuant to Title 62, Section 431 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
  6. The Board of Trustees may amend the budget to make supplemental appropriations to any fund up to the amount of additional revenues which are available for the current expenses for the fund due to:
    1. Revenues received or to be received from sources not anticipated in the budget for that year.
    2. Revenues received or to be received from anticipated sources but in excess of the budget estimates, therefore.
    3. Unexpended unencumbered cash balances on hand at the end of the preceding fiscal year, which had not been anticipated or appropriated in the budget. Any appropriation authorizing the creation of an indebtedness shall be governed by the application provisions of Article 10 of the Oklahoma Constitution.
  7. A budget amendment as provided in this Section authorizing supplemental appropriations or a decrease or change in appropriation or funds shall be adopted at a meeting of the Board of Trustees and filed with the Town Clerk and the State Auditor and Inspector.

Section 6-7. Transfer of Unexpended or Unencumbered Appropriations.

  1. The Town Clerk or designee, as authorized by the governing body, may transfer any unexpended and unencumbered appropriation or any portion thereof from one account to another within the same department or from one department to another within the same fund; except that no appropriation for debt service or other appropriation required by law or ordinance may be reduced below the minimums required. Any fund balance in an enterprise fund of the Town of Tryon may be transferred to another fund of the Town of Tryon as authorized by the Board of Trustees. Other inter-fund transfers may be made only as adopted or amended according to Title 11, Section 17-206 or 17-216 of the Oklahoma State Statutes.
  2. No encumbrance or expenditure may be authorized or made by any officer or employee, which exceeds the available appropriations for each classification level defined in Title 11, Section 17-213 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

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