Section 6-1. Purchases: Prior Approval by the Board.
- Subject to the provisions of this Section, the Board of Trustees or some person or persons duly authorized by it, shall contract for and purchase or issue purchase authorization for all supplies, materials, and equipment for the office, and department, and agencies of the town government.
- The Town is hereby authorized and empowered for purposes of this Article to make use of and to avail itself of the provisions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Contracts and the services of its purchasing director. Provided that any competitive bi requirements found hereunder shall not apply to contracts or purchases made under and through the provisions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Contracts and the services of its purchasing director.
Section 6-2. To Contract Local Vendors: Exception Lowest Bid.
Except in cases of emergency, the Town shall contact by mail, phone, or in person, local proprietors of business operating in Tryon and vicinity who may be interested in furnishing the supplies, materials, and equipment needed by the Town, and shall use their best efforts to secure in behalf of the Town the lowest and best bid obtainable therefore.