Tryon Municipal Code Book
Public Utilities – Article 1. Water Systems
Section 19-1. Application for Service. The rates, rules, and regulations hereinafter prescribed shall constitute and be considered a part of the contract with every person, firm, organization, or corporation who is supplied with water from the waterworks system of the Town of Tryon; and every person, firm, organization or Corporation,…
Public Utilities – Article 2. Sever Service Charge
Section 19-27. Declaration of Pubic Utility. The sanitary sewage system of the Town of Tryon is hereby declared to be a public utility, and a proper source of revenue for the upkeep and maintenance of the system and for other purposes. Section 19-28. Definitions. For the purpose of this Article,…
Public Utilities – Article 3. Lease of Part of Sanitary Sewer System Authorized
Section 19-32. Lease Authorized. The Town of Tryon, Oklahoma, hereby determines to enter into and the mayor and clerk of the Town hereby are authorized and directed to execute and affix the seal of the town to a lease to the Tryon Public Works Authority, the sanitary sewer system of…
Public Utilities – Article 4. Installation, Connection, Building, and Usage of Sewers
Section 19-33 Definitions. Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this Article shall be as follows: “BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)” means the quality of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five (5) days at 200C expressed in…
Public Utilities – Article 5. Sewer Main Extensions
Section 19-62. Sewer Main Extension: Application. Every person, firm, or corporation desiring a sewer main extension, whether within or without the corporate limits of the Town of Tryon, shall make a written application to the Board of Trustees for approval of such extension. The application shall be accompanied by a…
Public Utilities – Article 6. Utility Collection Policy
Section 19-65. Utility Service Deposits. Every potential customer or consumer making an application for utility service with the Town of Tryon shall make a deposit as prevailed for in Section 194 hereof. There shall be a deposit made for every application for service and for each separate premises, except as…
Public Utilities – Article 7. Penalty
Section 19-77. Penalty Any person found to be violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be served by the Town of Tryon with a notice stating the nature of the and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of…