Tryon Municipal Code Book

Fi Fo
  • Fire Prevention – Article 01. Fire Prevention Code

    Section 4-1. Fire Prevention Code Adopted. There is hereby adopted by the Board of Trustees, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from Fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Fire Prevention Code recommended by the American Insurance Association, being particularly the…

  • Fire Prevention – Article 02. Fireworks and Explosives

    Section 4-12. The Purchase, Sale, Possession, Or Use Of Fireworks Prohibited. The purchase, sale, possession or use of fireworks within the corporate limits of the Town of Tryon is prohibited except during the period July 1st through July 5th annually. Provided that this Section shall not apply to the provisions…

  • Fire Prevention – Article 03. Fire Department Operation Outside City Limits

    Section 4-18. To Answer Calls Within Fire District Boundaries. The Fire Department of the Town of Tryon is directed to answer all outside fire calls within the boundaries of the Tryon District when there is imminent peril and danger to like and/or homes, otherwise there exists no duty to answer…

  • Food and Food Handlers – Article 01. Food Service Sanitation Ordinance

    Section 8-1. Adopted by reference. There is hereby adopted for the purpose of the inspection of food service establishments, the issuance, expansion, and revocation of permits to operate food service establishments, the prohibiting of the sale of adulterated or misbranded food or drink, and the providing of controls to insure…