Planning and Zoning – Article 2. Mobile Homes

Section 14-13. Definitions.

  1. Mobile home park” means any tract of ground consisting of not less than two (2) acres of land upon which are situated lots for mobile homes of the size, improved and equipped as hereafter specified, and which rents or leases spaces therein for periods of time not less than thirty (30) days.
  2. Park” means a mobile homes park as defined in paragraph (a) above.
  3. Site or lot” means a well-defined plot of land designed as the location for a single mobile home, not less than twenty-five hundred (2,500) square feet.
  4. Mobile home” means any vehicle designated so as to permit occupancy thereof as sleeping quarters for one (1) or more persons or the conduct of any business or profession, which may be mounted on wheels and propelled by its own power and not designed to run on stationary rails, and which has been factory assembled of a length than twenty-five (25) feet and factory equipped with at least one (1) water closet, one (1) bathtub or shower, one (1) lavatory and one (1) kitchen sink, installed in compliance with MHMA minimum standards and to include travel trailers and recreational vehicles.
  5. MHMA” means Mobile Home Manufacturers Association.

Section 14-14. License Required.

It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, operate or maintain or permit to be established, operated, or maintained upon any property controlled or owned by him, a mobile homes park as defined in this Article without having first secured a license therefor and having paid the proper fee for inspection of the construction of such park.

section 14-15. Plans, Bond.

Any person desiring to construct and/or operate a mobile home park in the Town of Tryon shall file with the Town Clerk his application for license together with one (1) complete set of plans and specifications for all improvements to be placed upon the property. The plans for the area shall show the entire area to be used together with improvements on adjoining property, if any, roads and driveways within the locations of sites or lots, abutting streets and alleys, locations of water lines, sewer lines, gas lines, electrical lines and any other and plans for electric street lighting, and any other necessary information that the Board of Trustees may require. No construction may begin upon the park area until a license is issued. Prior to the issuance of any such license, the applicant shall file with the Town Clerk a corporate surety bond conditioned to guarantee improvement of such are according to said plans and specifications within a time specified by the Board of Trustees.

Section 14-16. Site Requirements.

  1. Every mobile home park shall be located on an area having good drainage of surface waters.
  2. All sites or lots shall be clearly desiV1ated and the park so arranged that all sites abut on a driveway or street at least sixteen (16) feet in width, giving access to all units from a public street. All driveways and roads within the park shall be constructed so as to have natural drainage and shall be well-lighted at night and unobstructed.
  3. Connections for sanitary sewer facilities, water, gas, and electricity shall be provided in a common location at each mobile home site. Electrical connections must be sufficient for a fifty (50) amp circuit and a fifty (50) amp circuit breaker installed at each site.
  4. Every mobile home site shall be provided with garbage disposal facilities according to the provisions of the town ordinances.
  5. Each site shall be improved by the construction of a two hundred (200) square foot concrete patio and an anchor pad that shall comply with the provisions of Oklahoma Statutes regarding mobile home anchors.
  6. Each mobile home shall be not less than twenty (20) feet from any other mobile home or permanent building.
  7. Each mobile home shall have a setback of not less than twenty-five (25) feet from the front property line and not less than fifteen (15) feet from the rear property line.

Section 14-17. Codes Applicable.

  1. All plumbing, electrical, building, and other work on any park license under this Article shall be performed in accordance with the ordinances of the Town of Tryon regulating the same unless said ordinances are specifically made inapplicable under the terms thereof or under the terms of this Article; may connect and disconnect water, gas, and sewage facilities to a mobile home located in any park operated under the provisions of this Article.
  2. Sewer connection fees for mobile home parks shall be those applicable to family dwellings and each site within the park shall be deemed a family living unit. The monthly sewer service charge for mobile home parks shall be applicable to multi-family dwellings if the owner of the mobile home park elects to be charged one multi-family sewer fee.
  3. Each mobile home supplied with water by the Town must have its own separate service connection and the water sold through such water meter connection shall not be shared or resold, it being the intent that such water sold be for the use of the mobile home where sold only.
  4. Each mobile home supplied with water by the Town must be titled and registered pursuant to the licensing statutes of the State of Oklahoma.

Section 14-18. Ordinances Applicable.

All ordinances enacted by the Town of Tryon pertaining to traffic and vehicles, the control of pets and/or animals, shall be fully as effective within the park as though streets and driveways were dedicated to public use, and the consent and agreement of the owner of said park, streets, and highways hereto shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of said license.

Section 14-19. Penalty.

Any person, firm, or corporation who shall engage in any business, trade, or vocation for which a license, permit, certificate, or registration is required by this Chapter or by any code adopted by this Chapter, or who shall otherwise violate any provisions of this Chapter or of any code adopted by this Chapter, or who shall violate any lawful regulation or order made by any officers provided for in this Chapter, shall be guilty of an offense, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), not including costs. Each day upon which a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.

Section 14-20. Relief in the Courts.

No penalty imposed by and pursuant to this Chapter shall interfere with the right of the Town also to apply to the proper courts of the state for mandamus and injunction, or other appropriate action against such person, firm, or corporation.

Section 14-21. Violation by Corporate Officers and Agents,

Violation of any of the terms or provisions of this Chapter by any corporation or association shall subject officers and agents actively in charge of the business of such corporation, or association to the penalty herein provided.

Section 14-22. Site Requirement – Mobile Homes Not In Licensed Mobile Home Parks.

Every mobile home not in a Mobile Home Park as defined by Sec. 14-13 (a) shall be on a plot of land not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet. All remaining provisions of this article shall apply except those specifically applying to Mobile Home Parks.

Section 14-23. Age Condition and Skirting of Mobile Homes

  1. Every mobile home moved into the Town of Tryon shall not be in excess of fifteen (15) years of age. Provided, that if a mobile home is in excess of fifteen (15) years old at the time it is to be moved into the city limits of the Town of Tryon, the owner may apply to the Board of Trustees for a variance after inspection of said mobile home by the Town of Tryon and if in satisfactory condition, the Board of Tryon may issue a variance.
  2. Every mobile home within the city limits of the Town of Tryon shall be skirted within ninety (90) days of said mobile home being moved into the Town of Tryon. Existing mobile homes shall be skirted within ninety (90) days of the effective date of this ordinance.

Sec. 14-24. Residency Restrictions for Travel Trailers/Recreational Vehicles

No person may reside in a travel trailer/recreational vehicle for a period in excess of fourteen (14) continuous days. Furthermore, for each break of continuous residency, no person or persons shall reside in said travel trailer/recreational vehicle for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of last residency in said travel trailer/recreational vehicle.

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