Section 17-1. Jurisdictional Limits Extended.
The Jurisdictional limits of the Town of Tryon are hereby extended to and over all real estate, lands, premises, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, now located thereon, or hereafter to be located thereon, on all property owned, controlled, or managed by the Town of Tryon, whether such be within or without the corporation limits of the Town of Tryon. The police and other officers of the Town shall enforce the ordinances of the Town of Tryon, with regard to such property without the COQ0ration limits of the Town of Tryon, with as full force and effect as if said property was located within the incorporated limits of the Town.
Section 17-2. Unlawful to Deface, Unlawful to Post Bills.
- It is unlawful to deface, cut, mark, break, or injure any tree, shrub, plant, or building in any place under the control of the Town of Tryon.
- It is unlawful to post any advertising notices or bills or to distribute circulars, or advertisements in any place under the control of the Town of Tryon without permission of the Town.
Section 17-3. Loitering and Sleeping in Parks, etc. After Dusk, Public Parks, etc.
- It is unlawful for a person to loiter in or about any public park or in or about any public park facility.
- It is unlawful for any person, without lawful reason, to wander aimlessly within public parks of the Town of Tryon, without the express or tacit consent of the Town of Tryon, between the hours of dusk and sunrise.
Section 17-4. Unlawful to Leave Trash.
It is unlawful to leave any trash or waste of any nature or dump rubbish of any nature whatsoever in any park or place under the control of the Town of Tryon, or along the public highway leading thereto.
Any person or organization using any public place or park owned or controlled by the Town of Tryon for picnics and other purposes shall place all waste paper, rubbish, and refuse of any nature whatsoever in the incinerators furnished for the same and shall leave said ground in a clean and sanitary condition.
Section 17-5. Unlawful to Harm Wild-Life.
It is unlawful to harm, capture, or destroy any wild animal or bird, or to disturb any bird’s nest in any public park or place under the control of the Town of Tryon.
Section 17-6. Regulating Traffic and Parking in Town Park.
- It is unlawful to drive any vehicle within any Town Park except on the driveways and roads thereof.
- It is unlawful to park anywhere in any Town Park except in designated parking places, and along driveways and roads thereof.
- It is unlawful to drive any vehicle in any Town Park in a careless or reckless manner, or at a speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour.
Section 17-7. Board of Trustees to make rules for recreational facilities.
The Board of Trustees shall promulgate, invoke, create, amend, and enforce such rules, regulations, and other requirements as it deems necessary or expedient in connection with the use of all recreational and park facilities owned or operated by the Town.
Section 17-8. Fees to be Determined.
The Town shall provide by rules, from time to time, the fees charged for any such park or recreational privileges on any property or facility for recreational purposes owned or operated by the town.
Section 17-9. Penalty.
It is unlawful for any person to use any of the park or recreational Facilities without having complied with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Trustees in connection therewith. Anyone violating any of the rules and regulations, or failing to comply with such, shall be guilty of an offense, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished as provided in Section 7-2 of this code.