Tryon Municipal Code Book
Agencies, Officers, Employees – Article 09. Town Attorney
Section 1-44. Town Attorney: Appointment; Duties, Etc. The Board of Trustees may appoint a Town Attorney, and/or may secure the services of an attorney for attorneys on a contractual basis when needed. The Town Attorney, when and if appointed, shall be the legal adviser of the Board, and all officers,…
Agencies, Officers, Employees – Article 10. Emergency Management
Section 1-45. Purposed: Duty. The purpose of this article is to create an emergency management organization for the town to be prepared for, and to function in the event of, emergencies endangering the lives and property of the Town. The duty of the emergency management organization shall be the protection…
Agencies, Officers, Employees – Article 11. Other Personnel
Section 1-51. Open Personnel May Be Appointed, Etc. The Board of Trustees may appoint such other officers and employees as it deems desirable, to work in the water system, and on the streets, and to perform other appropriate duties and functions, and may determine their compensation by motion or resolution;…
Agencies, Officers, Employees – Article 12. Official Bonds
Section 1-54. Official Bonds. The Town Clerk shall give a bond payable to the Town in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. The Town Treasures shall give a bond payable to the Town in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00),…
Agencies, Officers, Employees – Article 13. Oaths
Section 1-55. Oath. All officers, elective and appointive, including salaried employees of the Town, shall, within five (5) days of their election or appointment and before entering upon the duties of the respective offices take and subscribe to the following oath or affirmation, to with: “I ______________, do solemnly swear,…
Agencies, Officers, Employees – Article 14. Compensation
Section 1-56. Compensation of Personnel Determined by Ordinance. The compensation of certain officers shall be set by Ordinance pursuant to the provisions of Title 11, Section 12-113 of the Oklahoma State Statutes. The compensation of each of the following shall be as respectively indicated. Town Clerk – $600 per month…
Agencies, Officers, Employees – Article 15. Removal. etc.
Section 1-59. Board Of Trustees Or Other Authority May LayOff, Suspend, Demote And Remove. The Board of Trustees or any other authority may law off, suspend, demote, or remove an officer or employee whom it appoints or elects or whose successor it may appoint or elect.
Agencies, Officers, Employees – Article 16. Open Records
Section 1-60. Procedures Regarding Both Inspection and Copying of Open Public Records. The following procedures are hereby adopted and shall be applied by each official custodian and record custodian: Consistent with the policy, duties and procedures established by the Oklahoma Open Records Act, record custodians shall provide full access and…
Agencies, Officers, Employees – Article 17. Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance
Section 1-63. Benefits Of Federal 0.A.S.I To Be Extended To Personnel. It is hereby declared to be the policy and purpose of this Town to extend at the earliest date to the employees and officials thereof, not excluded by law or ordinance, and whether employed in connection with a governmental…
Alcoholic Beverages – Article 01. Alcoholic Beverages in General
Section 2-1. Occupation Tax. There is herby levied and assessed an annual occupation tax on every business or occupation relating to alcoholic beverages as specifically listed herein and in the amounts stated: Brewer $1,250.00 Distiller $3,125.00 Wine Maker $400 Oklahoma Winemaker $75.00 Rectifier $3,125.00 Wholesaler $3,500.00 Class B wholesaler $400.00…