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Garbage – Article 01. Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 9-1. Definitions of terms.

  1. Garbage” means every accumulation of animal or vegetable matter or both, that is the refuse matter from kitchens, pantries, houses, dwellings houses, tenement houses, market houses, public institutions, private hospitals, slaughter houses, butcher shops, poultry or fish stores, and all other places in the town.
  2. Rubbish” means ashes, cinders, papers, broken ware, discarded shoes and clothing, tin cans, lawn cuttings and weeds from yards, and such other refuse as may be termed the natural accumulation of residences or business houses and not falling within the meaning of the word “garbage” as defined herein, provided that garbage and rubbish does not include animal manure nor their carcasses.
  3. Refuse” means all putrescible and non-putrescible solid wastes, (except body wastes), including garbage, rubbish ashes, street cleaning, dead animals, abandoned automobiles, and solid market and industrial wastes.
  4. Person” means any institution, public or Private Corporation, individual, partnership, or other entity.
  5. Premises” means land, buildings, or other structures, vehicles, watercraft, or parts thereof, upon or in which refuse is stored.

Section 9-2. Function of Responsibility Authority.

The Mayor, in order to protect the health and safety of the people of Tryon, Oklahoma, is hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of this ordinance, to control the storage, collection, and disposal of refuse within the Town of Tryon, to provide a public collection so that the type and usual quantity of refuse can be safely and expeditiously handled by such public refuse collection and disposal service.

Section 9-3. Garbage and Refuse: Unlawful: Nuisance.

It shall be unlawful for owners or occupants of any premises in the Town to allow garbage and rubbish or either of them, or to suffer or permit water or putrid substances, whether animal or vegetable, to accumulate thereon so as to cause an offensive odor to be emitted therefrom, or to become in a condition injurious or dangerous to the health of the neighborhood or any inhabitant thereof; any such condition is hereby declared to be a nuisance and may be abated as such.

Section 9-4. Garbage cans.

The owners or occupants of all residences or apartments within the Town and all such owners or occupants outside the Town subscribing to the Town garbage service hereinafter provided for, shall place all garbage in the garbage containers to be approved by the Town, which containers shall be placed at a convenient location on the premises; provided that if the premises are served by an alley, they shall not be placed at a point in excess of ten (10) feet from the alley.

Section 9-5. Containers for Commercial Business Houses, Schools, Churches, Hospitals.

The owner and operator of each business house in the said Town, including the stores, garages, hotels, apartment houses, and rooming houses shall provide and maintain adequate numbers of containers at or near the rear of each such business houses which shall be of metal or plastic construction, to take care of the maximum accumulations of rubbish and garbage from such businesses. Said containers shall be kept on stands of such type and construction as shall be approved by the Town. All garbage, rubbish, and refuse shall be placed in said containers, provided bulky rubbish such as boxes, etc., shall be tied in bundles not exceeding four (4) feet in length and in excess of fifty (50) pounds in weight and may be placed neatly beside such containers used by said business, and provided further that all garbage shall be drained and wrapped in paper prior to being placed in said containers.

Section 9-6. Protection From Dogs.

All trash containers used within the corporate limits of said Town of Tryon, shall be constructed in such a manner that they cannot be upset or overturned by dogs.

Section 9-7. Who to Collect Garbage.

The Town shall have the exclusive right to collect, remove, and dispose of garbage and rubbish, or either of them in the Town, or may through its duly elected, qualified and acting officers, enter into a contract with some suitable person, firm, or corporation granting the exclusive right to collect, remove and dispose of garbage and rubbish or either of them in the Town, such contract to provide that such persons firm or corporation granted such exclusive right by contract shall furnish to the Town a good and sufficient bond in an amount to be determined by the Town, said bond to be conditioned upon the faithful performance of duties under said contract, and said contract shall contain such other and further provisions as may be deemed necessary and proper by the Town through its duly elected, qualified and acting officers.

Section 9-8. Unauthorized Person Not to Transport Garbage, etc.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, unless authorized to do so by the Town to remove from any premises or premises situated in the Town or to transport through the streets, alleys, or public places of the Town any garbage or rubbish. Provided it shall be the duty and obligations of any such person, firm, or corporation to remove animal manure and the carcasses of their animals and dispose of the same in accordance with the ordinances of the Town, the laws of the State of Oklahoma and the rules and regulations of appropriate departments and agencies thereof.

Section 9-9. Duty to Maintain in Sanitary Condition.

Garbage containers shall, at all times, be maintained in good condition. Any container that does not conform to the provisions of the Ordinance or that may have ragged or sharp edges or any other defect liable to hamper or injure the person collecting the contents thereof, shall be promptly replaced upon five (5) days written notice given by the Town to the person whose responsibility it is to provide such contained. The Town shall have the authority to deny refuse collection services for failure to comply herewith.

Section 9-10. Accumulation of Yard Trash.

Yard trash shall not be deposited in said garbage containers. In all areas of the Town where there are open unobstructed alleys wide enough for collection vehicles to travel with ease, said yard trash shall be placed at the alley lot line on the premises served so as to be immediately accessible to the collection vehicles. In all other areas of the Town, said yard trash shall be placed at the front curb.

Section 9-11. Dead Animals, Manure, Night Soil, and Similar Matter.

Dead animals, manure, night soil, and similar matter shall not be allowed to accumulate or remain on any premises within the corporate limits of the Town of Tryon and shall be removed from the premises promptly by the occupant thereof.

Section 9-12. Commercial Tree Trimmers: Debris Accumulated During Construction or Remodeling.

Commercial tree trimmers, and those persons who trim trees and brush for hire shall remove same without costs to the Town. All debris accumulated during the construction or remodeling of buildings shall be removed by the builder provided, however, the Town may dispose of such debris for an extra fee as determined by the Board of Trustees.

Section 9-13. Garbage Collection Fees.

For the purpose of defraying the expense of collection removal and disposal of rubbish and garbage as provided herein, the Board of Trustees, through its proper officers, is authorized and directed to collect from the owner or occupant of any premises within the Town of Tryon, a charge payable between the 1st and 15th of each month, and such charges are hereby specifically provided for and fixed at the following scale of rates:

  1. For each business, industrial establishment, institution and school within the Town of Tryon the rate shall be as follows:
    1. $40.23 per month for once a week pickup of a two (2) yard dumpster;
    2. $80.46 per month for twice a week pickup for a four (4) yard dumpster;
    3. $18.84 per month for once a week pickup of a polycart;
  2. For each residence within the Town of Tryon, the rate shall be $18.84 per month for one polycart and $23.84 for two polycarts;
  3. For churches the rate shall be $18.84 per month for one polycart and $23.84 for two polycarts;

Refuse charges as provided in this Section shall be payable monthly and billed on the water will of each person, firm, or corporation by the Town of Tryon.

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