Section 4-18. To Answer Calls Within Fire District Boundaries.
The Fire Department of the Town of Tryon is directed to answer all outside fire calls within the boundaries of the Tryon District when there is imminent peril and danger to like and/or homes, otherwise there exists no duty to answer such calls unless specifically requested by the property owner and unless, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, it is inexpedient to do so on account of another fire in the city, broken apparatus, impassable or dangerous highways, or other physical condition.
Section 4-19. Contracts Authorized Outside Town Limits. Fees For Service.
- The town is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into contracts or agreements with individuals, firms, private corporations or associations, or political subdivisions of the state for fire protection outside the corporate limits of the town, and to contract to provide fire protection jointly with other organizations and municipal subdivisions of the state.
- Any contract entered into by the town with an individual owner, firm, private cooperation, or association, for outside aid, or mutual aid for fire protection, shall provide for the payment by the owner, firm, private corporation, or association, or political subdivision to the town for such fire apparatus and personnel at the rate per call as set by the town board. All monies received from the calls shall go into the general fund.
- Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Board of Trustees of the Town of Tryon from entering into contracts, by the terms of which the Town of Tryon shall agree to render firefighting services at a set fee. The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to enter into such contract with any firm, individual, corporation, or municipality outside the corporate limits of the Town of Tryon.
Section 4-20. Department Considered Agent Of State.
The fire department of the town answering any fire alarm, or call, or performing any fire prevention services outside the corporation limits of the town shall be considered as an agent of the state, and acting solely and alone in a governmental capacity, and the municipality shall not be liable in damages for any act of commission, omission, or negligence while answering or retuning from any fire, or reported fire, or doing any fire prevention work under and by virtue of this code.
Section 4-21. Burn Restrictions.
It shall be unlawful for any person to burn within the Tryon Town Limits anything other than wood, leaves, or grass with the following conditions.
- The fire must be no closer than 20 feet from a property line.
- The wind may not be blowing more than 10 mph on the day of the burn.
- The burn may not be left unattended for an extended period of time.
- The bun may not be left burning after 11 p.m. at night.
- If the smoke from the burn causes any nuisance to neighbors it must be extinguished.
Section 4-22. Burn Ban.
The Fire Chief or his designee may during certain circumstances (i.e., drought, or extreme fire danger, or the County or State has enacted a ban) request to the tour Board of Trustees of the Town of Tryon that there be a Burn Ban put in place inside the Town limits for the Town of Tryon. This Burn Ban will remain in effect until the Fire Chief or his designee believes that the risk of danger no longer exists, or the County or State has lifted their ban for this area. The Burn Ban enacted by the town of Tryon shall not be any more strict or lenient than the County or State Burn Ban.
Any violation of this article shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00 plus court costs.