Animals – Article 04. Pound: Establishment, Operation

Section 3-21. Pound Established.

A pound is hereby authorized under the jurisdiction of the Chief of Police. It shall be under the immediate control of a pound man or of such other person as may be officially designated, The person in charge of the pound shall provide proper sustenance for all animals impounded and shall treat them in a humane manner. The governing body may make arrangements for a private person to keep the pound for the Town.

Section 3-22. Animals To Be Impounded.

  1. The pound man, police chief, other policeman, and such other officer or employee as the governing body may authorize, shall take into custody and impound any animal running at large in violation of any provision of the ordinances of the municipality; may enter upon the premises of the owner or other private premises to take such animal into custody; and if with reasonable effort a dog or cat Illegally at large cannot be caught, may kill it, either on or off private premises.
  2. Any other person may take such an animal into custody and present it to the authority in charge of the pound of impounding. The governing body, by motion or resolution, may provide for the payment of rewards to private persons who present such animals at the pound, when an appropriation exists for the purpose.
  3. Animals which are taken into custody as provided in this Chapter, may be destroyed in a humane manner by a licensed veterinarian, or be otherwise destroyed or, provided that no animal so impounded shall be destroyed until after the expiration of three (3) days from the date of first impoundment unless said animal is suspected of having rabies as defined in Section 3-13.
  4. All costs associated with Section 3-22 are to be paid for by the animal owner to the Town.

Section 3-23. Breaking Pound.

  1. No unauthorized person shall break, or attempt to break open the pound, or take or let out any animal therefore, or take or attempt to take from any officer or employee of the municipality any animal taken Into custody as provided by ordinance, or in any manner interfere with or hinder such officer or employee in the discharge of his duties relating to the taking into custody and impounding of animals provided by ordinance.
  2. ANY unauthorized person that shall break, or attempt to break open the pound, or take or let out any animal therefore, or take or attempt to take from any officer or employee of the municipality any animal taken into custody as provided by ordinance, or in any manner interfere with or hinder such officer or employee in the discharge of his duties relating to the taking into custody and impounding of animals provided by ordinance shall be charged and fined in Municipal Court $500.00 plus court cost.
  3. All animals must meet the vaccination requirements contained herein.

Section 3-24. Fees Of Impounding, Etc.

  1. The fees for impounding and keeping an animal, is to be paid upon redemption, shall be the same as those set by Section 3-12 hereof.
  2. Any person redeeming an impounded animal shall pay the fees to the Town Clerk and present the receipt therefore to the person in charge of the pound before the latter releases the animal.

Section 3-25. Owner May Redeem.

  1. An owner of an impounded animal or his agent may redeem the animal, prior to its sale or destruction as provided for herein, by paying the required fees against the animal and meeting any other requirement which may be prescribed by ordinance.

Section 3-26. Cruelty To Animals.

  1. It is unlawful for any person willfully and maliciously to pour on, or apply to, an animal any drug or other thing which inflicts pain on the animal; or knowingly to treat an animal in a cruel or Inhumane manner, or knowingly to neglect an animal belonging to him/her or in his/her custody in a cruel or inhumane manner.
  2. Any person found guilty of this will be charged with a felony in the District Courts.

Section 3-27. Poisoning Animals.

  1. It is unlawful for a person willfully to poison any dog or other animal except a noxious, non-domesticated animal, or knowingly to expose poison so that the same may be taken by such an animal.
  2. Any person found guilty of this will be charged with a felony in the District Courts.

Section 3.28. Encouraging Animals To Fight, Etc.

  1. It is unlawful for any person to instigate or encourage a fight between animals; or to encourage one animal to attack, pursue, or annoy another animal except a noxious, non-domesticated animal; or to keep a house, pit, or other place used for fights between animals
  2. Any person found guilty of this will be charged with a felony in the District Courts.

Section 3-29. Violation: Penalty.

    1. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to violate, neglect or refuse to comply with any regulation, requirement, or provision contained within this Chapter.
    2. Each act or omission in violation of such provisions and hereof shall be deemed a separate violation of such provision and for each calendar day during which any violation continues, a separate violation shall be deemed to have been committed.
    3. Any person, firm, or corporation that violates, neglects, or refuses to comply with any regulation, requirement, or provision of Chapter 3 of the Tryon Town Code is hereby deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) not including costs. For purposes hereof, each day said violation continues may be determined as a separate offense hereunder.

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